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Zeigo Awarded BEST Software & Cloud Implementation

A Testament to Excellence

The distinction of Zeigo by Environment+Energy Leader signifies a remarkable achievement in the field. Jessica Hunt, Co-President of E+E Leader, expresses her admiration for this year’s winners: “The introduction of six distinct categories in this year’s awards program not only celebrates the breadth of innovation within the industry but also highlights the specific areas where companies are truly making an impact. A win is a testament to these companies’ outstanding efforts and leadership in driving forward the sustainability agenda.” – Environment + Energy

About the Environment + Energy Leader Awards:

For well over a decade now, the Environment+Energy Leader Awards program has celebrated the exceptional advancements made in the realms of environmental, sustainability, and energy management. The awards recognize those who contribute and set new standards in the industry, setting a high standard for others to follow. Winners of the awards are seen as Leaders in environmental initiatives and energy management, with their achievements serving as benchmarks for excellence across the globe.